
See new worlds unfold.

An NHS fit for the future  

There are smart technologies that can help. 


The Ca’ d’Oro glows once again

Iconic building receives new facade lighting.

Tate Modern’s got a new riverside venue

Corner Bar bridges the gap between art and gastronomy.


Inditex steps up its retail game

Smart lighting delivers a more immersive shopping experience. 

The latest research in Human-Centric Lighting 

How to energize your mind and body with light. 


Good light is a universal need

The way we’re illuminating the world needs to change. 



Masters of light

The Royal Academy of Arts on lighting with Casambi.


Smart emergency lighting

Arup project marks the UK’s first commercial implementation. 

Greener Buildings in Europe need Smarter Lighting Now. 

EU Renovation Wave Initiative will not fully succeed without an upgrade of lighting installations.


A Software-driven Approach to Standardization

Casambi’s founder, Timo Pakkala, attributes the company’s success to this.

Three Common Misconceptions about going Wireless

As new customers stand on the precipice of their Casambi wireless lighting investment…


A Legendary Lighting Designer’s take on Technological Change 

 This isn’t about lighting. This isn’t about technology. This is about psychology…

Fluorescent ban Precedes new Intelligent Beginnings

The buzz and flickering of the fluorescent lamp shall soon be confined to the horror movie genres of yesteryear…

Whitepaper: The Virtues of Wireless Lighting Control 

This guide outlines the transformative power of wireless lighting control when applied within industrial spaces. 

A New Way to Monitor Heart Rhythm Disorders

What was state-of-the-art 50 years ago is bad medicine today.  Dr Bardy revolutionizes his field with the CAM Patch.

Rethinking Epilepsy Management

…with a portable medical device that delivers better diagnosis and management of epilepsy in children.




The Art of Smart Living

What will it take for Boomers to buy into the Smart Home concept? IKEA has a very strong inkling…



For the Love of Life

To paraphrase the famous movie line… Medicine, engineering, business are all noble pursuits necessary to sustain life…



LED’s talk about Smart Cities

The virtues of street lighting have long been extolled. Fostering security, it improves safety for citizens…

Fighting Climate Change…

…with big data. This UN event was aimed at developing innovative and viable means for utilising big data to…



Smart Home Halts…

…Climate Change. Oftentimes, when the world gears up for big climate change conferences many speculate on the big…



Smart Home Trends

There’s no doubt about it – we’ve witnessed a considerable global uptick in Smart Home device sales since the pandemic set…



Bringing It Home

When it comes to all things Smart Home, there’s a lot to discuss and consider, but it’s safe to say that the last 18…

Smart City Binge

The pandemic and ongoing climate crises are galvanising us into action – inspiring renewed focus on pan-city…



Clean Autonomous Ships

An autonomy strategy is key to zero-emission shipping, and it all starts with intra-port container transhipments…



First Digital Port Call

Within the framework of a partnership  previously announced between Tanger Med Port Authority and…



A World in Flux

In a world where ice-caps are melting fast while state-heads deny climate change to be real, it becomes even more important…

World Invests for Green Planet

The IPCC’s climate change report has made it clear that limiting global warming to 1.5°C is not an optional goal…



Al Gore Speaks Truth to Power

Is there a way for humanity to develop sustainably? Former US Vice President, Nobel Laureate and Environmental…



A Candid Chat with Alexander Stubb

Former prime minister of Finland, Alexander Stubb is an expert on finance, international affairs and a long…

Finnish Minister Champions MaaS

It’s fair to say that the Finnish Minister of Transport and Communications, Anne Berner, is extremely dedicated…



A Finnish Minister on Finland-India Bilaterals

India’s fast growing economy & urban migration are creating unique challenges for sustainable development…


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